The Importance of Owners and Lenders Title Insurance

I recently posted an article on the importance of an owner’s title insurance policy entitled Buying a Home: Purchase Title Insurance to Protect your Investment. Well, here I am again, but this time I will let you read someone else’s thoughts and opinions on title insurance.  Danny Frank of Prudential Anderson Properties (Houston, TX) did a superb job in defining title insurance and explaining the main aspects of its importance to homeowners in his article posted in Houston Chronicles entitled:… Read More >

Buying a home? Purchase Title Insurance to Protect your Investment

Educating the public regarding the value of title insurance permits the Buyers to make an informed decision as to the best way to protect THEIR investment. When the excitement of the purchase and closing ends your title insurance policy will be the only thing standing by you in the event of a problem with title.  American Land Title Association (ALTA)  President Frank Pellegrini recenlty stated, “Problems with the title of your new home can limit your enjoyment and use of the… Read More >

Real Estate Scams: Don’t be a Victim

Scams have become a reality in our day and time.  Unfortunately, there are people in the world that prey on others’ trust, sincerity, and obligation to “do what’s right.” The most recent scam to surface in the real estate community was brought to our attention by the Tennessee Secretary of State, Tre Hargett.  In his March 13, 2013 press release, Secretary Hargett warned home buyers and sellers about a scam involving real estate titles. According to the Secretary of State’s… Read More >